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BLINQ - Hi or Bye

4.2 ( 9392 ratings )
Социальные сети Образ жизни
Разработчик BLINQ AG

BLINQ is the best dating community ever!


Say HI or BYE to other members of the community. If the interest is mutual you can immediately start chatting with each other.

With our newest feature “Now” you can discover other member who are within 50 meters from you right now. Use “Now” in your favorite bar, in the train or at a festival to find your match.

All new members on BLINQ are being reviewed by the community and our social relevance algorithm before they are granted access to the community. This selection process helps to provide an interesting mix of authentic people, just like at a good party.

We take privacy seriously:

- We will NEVER post anything to Facebook. Guaranteed!
- Other users will NEVER know if you have said “HI” to them unless they say “HI” to you too.
- Other users can’t contact you unless you have been matched.

Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.